Sunday, February 3, 2008

Chapter 3 & 4

I didn't really like these first four chapters at all, and I hope the book gets better. I mean there were parts that I guess stood out but didn't make me want to keep reading more.. I guess it's the type of book it is, I'm more into Romance and Mystery kind of books. Some of the things Finny said, like "Always say some prayers at night becaase it might turn out that there is a God." (35) Finny sounds like a smart kid but he puts sports infront of school. A lot of kids are actually like this and they do bad in school and then there not able to play sports. I wonder why he doesn't want people knowing about his record break? That really surprises me because he's like a boy with a high ego and he seems like he'd want people to about that.. Finny sounds like a daredevil and The narrortor isn't... I wonder.. They sound like they get into arguements alot.. Do they stay friends for a while? Do they go into the Army together?...

- cassie

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