Tuesday, March 4, 2008

chapter nine mannnnnnnn

Okay soo i guess i cant lie. Because well i guess about this time, its kind of easy to tell.
Ive been very off with my reading, and pretty much just going with the 30 minutes i read on the buss. But that kind of gets me a long way. But i know im must cath up on my reading. Although Chapter nine is one of the ones i accually read the ones that i read fully. ^_^ and its kind of ironic, but anyways.. my chapter nine is super late, and i know its bad. and im a bad student not writing theese at the right time.. and them being super late is like jeprodizing my grade. Soo here is what I thought about chapter nine;;
So it pretty much seems like Leaper is Enlisting for good. and Gene is kind of thinking that Leapers just doing this for fun, and kind of like he's not taking him seriously about getting away from his peacfull beaver dam's to this really outgoing, upfront, intence enviornment. Ha and i think its funny that they mention Leaper sleeping on the top of Mt Katadin.. just because it is in Maine.. :] but anyways.. Its like Phineous has already filled Gene's head with stuff that the war was fake and that people are just making it up. But since Leapers going into the war.. then its a compleatly differnty story, so Gene sounds like he's kind of having to steadle the fence on this argument. (Its kind of ironic that Leaper is the first person from the Devon school to enlist. Becuase i would think after the years before there would be atleast one more person, someone who is compleatly opposite from Leaper would have joined it before him.) Its also kind of predictable that Gene and Phineous are kind of ignorning the fact that Leaper has gone to war, and wasnt at the Devon school anymore. I mean if my friend had just left.. then i would talk about him and kind of act like he was still there, but he has just taken a break because of a family thing or somthing like that.. i woudnt just ignor his existance.
And im sorry; i REALLY dont like Brinker.. i mean i cant stand to be around someone who feels that he can just pop in whenever and act like he knew what was going on the whole time, and yet make people feel bad about things that in fact Brinker doesnt even know the full stories, and is just going along witht he rumors he's been hearing.
I think it was kind of cute, well nto so much cute, but caring.. that Finny forbid's Gene to ever go back to the Butt room, claiming that its because of the smoke and training for the olympics, but i have a feeling it was because they were tlaking about Leaper, and they were both unconfortable being around it. and having a smoking issue was just a really good exuce to keep them both away form it.

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